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Debris is from the missing submarine

It is confirmed that the wreckage is from the submarine Titan, owned by OceanGate.

A friend of the company’s owner, who was on board, has just informed the CNN and BBC networks that the wreckage is from the submarine.

The parts that were found and confirmed are the landing structure and an aft cover (bottom), these parts are among the wreckage.

The BBC network, from the United Kingdom, heard David Mearns, a diving specialist, who claims that among the wreckage found by a robot on Thursday (22) there is a landing structure and a back cover that belong to the submarine that disappeared.

Mearns is friends with two passengers aboard the submarine.

He told the BBC that he received this information from the president of the Clube dos Explorers, an association that participates in the search for the submarine.

Leo Vilhena