America's News Today

The whole truth about the Twitter Blue service and the Verification Badge

A lot of lies are being spread on social networks, by newspapers or websites with a leftist bias, about the verification seal.

A lot of lies…

Billionaire tycoon and Twitter owner Elon Musk made profound changes to the verification seal, and those changes took effect today, 4/20/2023.

The biggest lies are being spread by “influencers and influential or notorious people” who lost the seal and are feeling disgusted, as if they owned the seal .

The verification stamp has not run out or gone on sale.

Anyone who claims this is lying .

The truth is that it is now part of a package called  TWITTER BLUE .


Among other services and benefits, Twitter Blue offers:

1 – Featured News from people or professional profiles you follow;

2 – You can select the text size you prefer to read the strings. Activate the Reader feature by selecting the book button from within any Tweet in a sequence;

3 – Choose custom app icons and add quick access to your favorite destinations;

4 – Longer Tweets, 4,000 characters;

5 – Longer videos, up to 10 minutes and

6 – The seal of verification.


Twitter Check is not a purchased badge, in order to access the Verification Badge and other Twitter Blue services , for example, you cannot receive any punishment from Twitter in the last six months, you have to provide a phone number and it will be confirmed and the platform verifies the integrity of the account.

In general, this process takes from 2 hours to 7 days.

In Brazil, The Blue service costs BRL 42.00  per month, subscribed by PC or Notebooks, and BRL 60.00 monthly, subscribed by cell phone.

There is a discount if you pay annually.


This Elon Musk service (package) was so successful and revolutionary that the main networks controlled by META — Instagram, Facebook, Messesnger and WhatsApp , have already announced that they will join the same service implemented by Elon Musk, including Instagram already started selling its premium service, similar to Twitter Blue .

In Brazil The Instagram verification stamp, included in its premium service, will cost BRL 80 per month in Brazil, this information was communicated by META on March 30, 2023.


To be verified, you must subscribe to the premium service of the different platforms, remembering that celebrities do not own the seals or platforms.

Refuse to pay for the service?

That’s fine, but they won’t be entitled to the benefits of premium services.

Let’s do mi-mi-mi…

Leo Vilhena | GNI Network