
Opinion | Who’s an idiot to defraud what he didn’t take?

I’ve already said verbatim that I don’t have privileged information, that I don’t have contacts or sources at the top of the former government, or those around it, but I’m not stupid and I think…

I think too much.

How many attempts or narratives have already been created, and undone, trying to tarnish or find a lump in the middle of Angu against Jair Messias Bolsonaro?

There were few…

They weren’t innocent…

The voracity to arrest “Bonoro” verges on madness…

Insane greed is insane…

From certainties to absolute certainties:

— “ Let’s arrest, he did it and blah blah blah, genocidal, misogynistic, homophobic, straight, gay …”

They just haven’t called it Vascaíno yet…

And you can’t call him a thief either…

I wonder why?

Remember the historic mitada?

— “ Call me a thief, poha…”

They poked and turned even his underpants…

And what did you think?

Excuse the poetic license:

– “ Fuck no ”

Now the “ball of the hour” is the brave Colonel Mauro Cid and the Vaccine Card, the immunization that he ALWAYS said, “ I haven’t taken it, I won’t take it and whoever wants to take it… ”

The question that arises at this time is:

– “ Who is an idiot to defraud what he didn’t take ?”

Only a very crazy donkey would defraud something he didn’t even take, doesn’t even agree with and doesn’t even need…

But some “Einstein” might try to neigh:

– “ He cheated to enter the US .”

Fraud for what?

If in the condition of president he was exempt, at that moment?

I already know where this narrative will lead: dying on the beach like all the others.

Fraud something you didn’t take? If the captain had done that, I would be the first to say:

– “ Stupid as fuck. ..”

Countdown to the next narrative:

5, 4, 3, 2, 1…

Do you know what is “smelling” me?

OU is yet another narrative OR they defrauded to play on the account of the myth…

5, 4, 3, 2, 1…

Leo Vilhena