
Barroso asks Lira and Pacheco for explanations about the exclusion of Novo from the CPMI

Minister Luís Roberto Barroso, of the Federal Supreme Court , determined that the presidents of the Chamber, Arthur Lira (PP-AL), and of the Senate, Rodrigo Pacheco (PSD-MG), explain the reason for having taken the only vacancy from Novo in the Joint Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry (CPMI) of 8 January.

This is a response from the Supreme Court to the writ of mandamus filed by the party at the STF on Friday the 5th. In the action, Novo asks for a seat on the composition of the CPMI. Still in the answer, Barroso — who is the rapporteur of the case — asks the Attorney General’s Office if he wants to participate in the process.

On Friday, Pacheco confirmed Lira’s decision that withdrew the legend’s only vacancy at the CPMI . As an argument, Lira used the House’s internal regulations, which provide that parties that do not reach the barrier clause are not entitled to the party leadership structure in parliamentary committees.

Thus, in the decision endorsed by Pacheco, Lira understood that the acronym does not enter into the division of the commission. The vacancy was given to the PT federation in the Chamber — which had two seats and took three.

The leader of Novo na Câmara, Adriana Ventura (SP), countered Lira by saying that, if the parties do not reach the barrier clause, they must enter the commissions with a “rotation”. And, as Novo is the only party that did not reach the clause, it would have a guaranteed seat on the CPMI.

Ruth Moraes