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Military suspends search for Wilson, dog that helped locate missing children in Colombia

The Colombian Military Forces have suspended the search for the dog Wilson, who helped look for four children who disappeared after a plane crash in the Amazon rainforest. The statement was made by the authorities to the Colombian news channel “Caracol”, this Wednesday (28).

Wilson disappeared after helping to locate the plane and the bodies of three adults who died when the plane crashed in May. The children were rescued alive in early June, after being missing for 40 days.

About 100 people were looking for Wilson in the woods. The operation to find the dog, which is a Belgian shepherd, involved the military and indigenous people, who scattered food through the jungle. A bitch in heat was also used to lure the dog.

“We used absolutely all resources, we spared no effort, using all human and technological capabilities,” Pedro Sánchez, commander of special operations for the Armed Forces, told the Caracol network.

On Monday (26), the Army had already informed that it was unlikely that Wilson would be rescued.

“Wilson is a symbol of a member of the Armed Forces who did not return after a mission. We will honor him and all the dogs that lost their lives protecting Colombians,” said Sánchez.

Wilson’s Disappearance

The dog disappeared on May 18 during the search for the children. However, according to the newspaper “El País”, the Army even saw Wilson in the jungle on at least two occasions.

According to Rádio Caracol, after being found, the children said they had been in the company of a puppy in the jungle, which could be Wilson.

One of the rescued girls even drew a picture of the dog.

Drawing made by Lesly (13) depicting the dog Wilson in the jungle — Photo: Reproduction/Fuerzas Militares de Colombia

Drawing made by Lesly (13) portraying the dog Wilson in the jungle — Photo: Reproduction/Fuerzas Militares de Colombia.

remember the case

The plane crash happened on May 1st. The flight would travel between Caquetá and San José del Guaviare, one of the main cities in the Colombian Amazon.

Shortly after takeoff, the pilot reported that there were faults in the aircraft, which disappeared from the radars shortly after. At the beginning of the searches, the bodies of the three adults were found.

Search teams found the first clues that the children had left the woods, moving away from the crash site.

Among the objects were: diapers, a bottle cap, scissors, a bottle, a bitten passion fruit and, five kilometers from the accident scene, child footprints.