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Breaking News: Mauro Cid’s wife admits to the PF that she used a false vaccination certificate and holds him responsible for fraud

Mauro Cid ‘s wife , Gabriela Cid, admitted to the Federal Police (PF) that she used a false vaccination certificate and stated that her husband was responsible for inserting the false data, according to a source in the investigation.

Gabriela Cid gave testimony this Friday (19) in Brasília , in the investigation that investigates the alleged scheme of inclusion of false data on immunization against Covid-19 in the Ministry of Health system.

The defense’s strategy, according to the source, is to make Gabriela respond only by using a false document.

In her statement, Cid’s wife adhered to what was discovered about her in the investigation: the existence of a vaccination card against Covid in her name – this card with false information was seized at her and her husband’s house in Brasília, on the same day. day he was arrested.

To the PF, Gabriela was unable to say what was the participation of Ailton Barros in the insertion of false vaccination data. Barros and Cid were arrested on May 3 on suspicion of being involved in the case ; Gabriela was the subject of a search and seizure warrant, but was not arrested.

Gabriela also said that she was not aware that other vaccination cards, in addition to hers, had also been tampered with.

The fraud would have been made by Gabriela’s husband, Lieutenant Colonel Mauro Cid, when he was former president Jair Bolsonaro’s assistant, to include false vaccination information about the then president and his daughter, Mauro Cid, Gabriela and the three daughters of the couple, among others.

On Thursday (18), Mauro Cid was silent during his statement to the PF

César Tralli
O Globo