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Alexandre de Moraes releases Anderson Torres

Minister Alexandre de Moraes, of the Federal Supreme Court (STF), determined the release of former minister Anderson Torres from prison.

“The present decision will serve as a release permit claused in favor of ANDERSON GUSTAVO TORRES will also serve as a letter of presentation to the Judgment of the Criminal Execution Rod of the Federal District, within 24 hours”, wrote the minister.

Torres has been in prison since January 14th, as a result of the investigation into alleged omissions in the coup acts of January 8th.

To allow Torres’ freedom, the minister ordered precautionary measures that include:

  • use of electronic anklets;
  • ban on leaving the Federal District and leaving home at night and on weekends;
  • temporary removal from the post of Federal Police Chief;
  • weekly court attendance;
  • delivery of passport to Justice and cancellation of all passports already issued for Torres;
  • suspension of possession of firearms, including functional ones;
  • banning the use of social networks; It is
  • prohibition of communication with the other investigated in the case.

In the decision, Moraes said he no longer sees any reason for Torres to remain in custody. And that the investigations can take place with the ex-minister free.

“The reasons for maintaining the extreme precautionary measure in relation to Anderson Gustavo Torres have ceased, as the necessary compatibility between Criminal Justice and the right to freedom demonstrates that the effectiveness of preventive detention has already achieved its purpose, with the effective implementation of new steps police officers, which were pending on 4/20/2023.”

Moraes also pointed out that failure to comply with any of the alternative measures will send Torres back to prison.

Torres’ lawyers had already been asking in court for the release of the former minister, claiming that preventive detention was not justified and that he had worsening mental health conditions in prison.

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After Moraes’ decision, Torres’ defense released a note in which it says that it received the ex-minister’s release with “serenity”.

“We received with serenity and respect the decision of Minister Alexandre de Moraes to grant freedom to Dr. Anderson Torres, who had been in prison since January 8,” say the lawyers.

“The defense reiterates its confidence in Justice and its unrestricted respect for the Federal Supreme Court. The person most interested in the quick verification of the facts is Anderson Torres himself”, completes the note.